Friday, March 16, 2007

The Proposal

For the past few weeks, Tiger Web Design’s main focus has been putting together a proposal for the Anderson Sunshine House. Finally, this past week, we completed that goal!

The proposal was due on Wednesday, so our group tried to work over the weekend to get ahead. Last Friday, our group divided up some of writing parts of the proposal so that it would take less time of our meeting time together to finish the proposal. The final touches to the website were finally done by Sunday night. The website is in decent working condition, and it has a lot of good qualities, but it still needs a lot more work for it to be complete. In class on Monday, we were given class time to work in our groups, and we were able to get a lot done during that time. What we didn’t finish in class, we finished at the meeting we had later that night in the library. There, we combined parts together, wrote a few more parts, and made sure that the formatting was all the same.

After the proposal was completed, our group created Adobe PDF files that we emailed to Beth and our professor on Wednesday afternoon. Beth emailed us back saying that the proposal looked good. Angie also emailed us back with good comments. It seems that all of our work is done for now! For now, we just have to wait and see how well Beth likes the website.

Just in case you were wondering what the website looked like, you can visit to take a look for yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Crystal! I'm going to share this with B-Dub, the group who will make the user manual for the site. I am guessing your two groups will work very closely together during Phase 3.