Thursday, March 8, 2007

Progressing slowly down the yellow brick road...

Yesterday we held another group meeting to determine where we were at, where we had been, and where we were going with the project.

We now have a rough layout of the website. You can take a look at but anything you see on there is subject to change; we are in the process of determining whether or not we have all the links we need and the correct order to put them in. We also discussed what types of pictures we found and whether or not they could be copyrighted.

Our big focus of the last meeting was the proposal. We ultimately decided that we will need to break the proposal up so that each group member could do a part. With our group's busy week coming up before Spring Break, it is going to be really hard to put the required time and energy in that this proposal needs. Tiger Web Design is going to try their best to make the proposal what it should be, but an extension would be greatly appreciated! :)

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