Sunday, April 29, 2007

Last days....

The semester is winding down and we are trying to finish up the website so that we can include the link in our final e-portfolios. Other than that, we are just working to finish up the e-portfolios so that all of us can make A's to finish out the semester strong! :)

This year has been a wonderful experience and I have learned so much from the strengths of my other team members. I have met many wonderful people and I hope to continue to use what I learned in this class in the future. I would not have picked a better group to work with. I wish every one the best on their finals and I hope every one has a wonderful summer!

Friday, April 13, 2007

We're on the Homestretch!

This week was slightly laid-back as a result of not having class. However, we still had a lot of work that needed to be done, which is why we had three group meetings. We needed to organize the links, create template files, work on the menu buttons, talk to the Little Miss Sunshines about their clipart, and finish our web portfolios. I am happy to say that we ended up accomplishing a good amount of these things.

We organized the website links on Monday. The main links will be "Home", "About Us", "Need Help?", "Ways to Help", and "Additional Information". Underneath "About Us", we will include "About ASH", "Statistics", and "Testimonials". Underneath "Need Help?" we will include "How ASH Can Help" and "Links to Other Sites". Underneath "Ways to Help" we will have "Donate", "Volunteer", "Golf Tournament", and "Other Fundraisers". Finally, underneath "Additional Information", we will have "Contact Information", "Board Member Names", and "FAQ". The actual titles of these links will probably change but the content will be the same.

Crystal is still working hard with Andrew from B-Dub on creating template files that will make it extremely easy for Beth to update the website. I saw what it's going to look like, and I can tell that it is going to be an amazing help for the Anderson Sunshine House.

We talked to the Little Miss Sunshines this week and got their clipart. We have also received the fundraiser page that Lauren from the Little Miss Sunshines made, and it looks great!

Things are really starting to come together. I am very excited to see the finished product that we create for the Anderson Sunshine House!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Looking ahead...

This week, we were required as a group to do a presentation to let the class know what we had done so far for the Anderson Sunshine House and what we plan to do in the future. I thought each presentation was very helpful because it let us know what ideas the other groups had and gave us an idea of how to make a very successful website.

Next week we plan to meet in the library as a group and possibly with other groups, to get started on completing the website for the Anderson Sunshine House. In particular we will be working on creating templates, organizing links, usability testing and creating a manual on how to work the website. We were very happy to learn that Beth had picked our layout for the website and we look forward to working with all of the other groups to produce a final website that will fulfill the needs of the Anderson Sunshine House.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

final design

Hey ya'll,

This was a pretty exciting week for our group, Beth Cribbe would like our layout to be the main layout of the web page. There is still a lot left to do in the next four weeks before the design is completed. We will be working on our presentation over the next couple of days to present our web design to the 9:05 class. We are excited to incorporate all other groups ideas to make the website exactly what the Anderson Sunshine House is looking for. We are going to present a couple of ideas concerning how we should set up the links and other similar technical details, so we ask you if you have any ideas please leave a message on our blog where it will be easy for us to have a discussion among the two classes. Each member of our group is working diligently to summarize our personal section of the proposal for the presentation. I'm sure we will have a lot more to discuss in the up coming weeks as the final design will be well underway. We hope everyone has a good week.

-Tiger Web Design

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Proposal

For the past few weeks, Tiger Web Design’s main focus has been putting together a proposal for the Anderson Sunshine House. Finally, this past week, we completed that goal!

The proposal was due on Wednesday, so our group tried to work over the weekend to get ahead. Last Friday, our group divided up some of writing parts of the proposal so that it would take less time of our meeting time together to finish the proposal. The final touches to the website were finally done by Sunday night. The website is in decent working condition, and it has a lot of good qualities, but it still needs a lot more work for it to be complete. In class on Monday, we were given class time to work in our groups, and we were able to get a lot done during that time. What we didn’t finish in class, we finished at the meeting we had later that night in the library. There, we combined parts together, wrote a few more parts, and made sure that the formatting was all the same.

After the proposal was completed, our group created Adobe PDF files that we emailed to Beth and our professor on Wednesday afternoon. Beth emailed us back saying that the proposal looked good. Angie also emailed us back with good comments. It seems that all of our work is done for now! For now, we just have to wait and see how well Beth likes the website.

Just in case you were wondering what the website looked like, you can visit to take a look for yourself!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Progressing slowly down the yellow brick road...

Yesterday we held another group meeting to determine where we were at, where we had been, and where we were going with the project.

We now have a rough layout of the website. You can take a look at but anything you see on there is subject to change; we are in the process of determining whether or not we have all the links we need and the correct order to put them in. We also discussed what types of pictures we found and whether or not they could be copyrighted.

Our big focus of the last meeting was the proposal. We ultimately decided that we will need to break the proposal up so that each group member could do a part. With our group's busy week coming up before Spring Break, it is going to be really hard to put the required time and energy in that this proposal needs. Tiger Web Design is going to try their best to make the proposal what it should be, but an extension would be greatly appreciated! :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tiger Web Design

Well, our group is working hard in the preliminary stages of this project. There is a ton of work involved in creating a web site for a client. Last night, we had our second group meeting, and in that meeting, we talked about what our ideas for this project were. (What else?)

We intend to create an actual web site; not just a drawing of what we hope it will look like. We also think that it will be a good idea to take most of our information off of the Anderson Sunshine House brochures and put it into the web site in a more appealing way. We hope to also find more information (such as statistics), that we could place into a sort of graph or chart.

What's coming up? An informal report about what we want to do for the client, the actual proposal, and the creating of the web site. It's a lot of work, but we can get it done.